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Planting Trees

In 2019 we decided to work with Carbon Neutral to plant a native tree for every cork yoga mat sold. Why plant trees? We view mass deforestation and the rapid decline in biodiversity as one of the most worrying trends today. And with governments and corporations unlikely to change their consumption of fossil fuels in their blind pursuit of economic development and profits, it is up to us as people to take measures to protect our planet. And the most effective way is to plant trees.

Over its lifetime, one tree can absorb and store over a tonne of carbon, in addition to providing food, home and shelter for birds and mammals. And thanks to our partnership with Carbon Neutral, planting a tree is as easy as purchasing a beautiful cork yoga mat.

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

Carbon Neutral specialises in planting trees in biodiversity "hotspots". Their trees not only sequester carbon in these regions, but also reduce soil salinity, combat erosion, enhance biodiversity and restore habitat for native animals. Learn more about their Yarra Yarra project below:

We also view planting trees as our Karmic duty - it is our way of giving back to Mother Earth for her boundless generosity.